
Welcome to the Notepet guide. Please read through the following sections to learn more about Notepet.


  • Adding Pets

    Please go to Menu > My Pets > Add to add pets.


  • Adding Medications

    Please go to Menu > Medications > Add to add medications. For each medication, you can select the dosage type, dosage amount as well as how often the medication should be given. You can also add more than 1 pet to a medication.

    When the medication timing is reached, you will receive a notification.

  • Editing Medications

    Please go to Menu > Medications and select the Edit button beside the medication you want to edit or update.

  • How do I give medications?

    When it is time for a medication, a notification will be displayed. In this notification you can select either to Give the medication, Skip it or Remind again later.

    Alternatively, you can also go to the Calendar and select the medication timing to give the medication.

  • View medication history

    Please go to Menu > Medications and select a medication. In the History section, you will be able to see some of the recent medication timings for the medication. Please note that this only shows medications that have been Given or Skipped.

    Select on View all to have a complete list of the medication history.

  • Viewing a pet’s medication history

    Please go to Menu > My Pets and select a Pet. In the Recently taken section, you will be able to see some of the recent medications that the pet has received. Please note that this only shows medications that have been Given or Skipped.

    Select on View all to have a complete list of the medication history for this pet.


  • How do I add vaccination records for my pet?

    Go to Menu > My Pets and select your pet. You will be redirected to your pet’s page, where you can “Add vaccine” under the header Vaccines. Fill in the vaccine name and if you would like, a short description. Once you have created a vaccination, you may add your pet’s vaccination under “Add record”.

    For one-time vaccinations, please uncheck “Has validity period”.

    For repeated vaccinations, please check “Has validity period” and key in the validity period as instructed by your vet. A reminder will appear 4 weeks before the vaccination date is due. You will also see an information alert in the Calendar 2 weeks before the vaccination is due.

    Should you and your vet decide against future vaccination of your pet, you may select “Mark as completed”.


  • What can I track?

    Currently you can track your pet’s growth (weight, height, length), vitals (temperature, resting heart rate, breathing rate), nutrition (food, snacks, liquids) as well as exercise (distance).

    To measure respiratory rate, simply count the number of breaths taken when resting or sleeping in 15s, then multiply it by 4.


  • What can I do with the Calendar?

    The Calendar shows you all timings for medications. Select on a date to see what medications are given on that date.

    For each day, you can see a list of all the medication timings to be completed. When you select one medication timings, you can either choose to mark it as Given, by selecting Give medication, or mark it as Skipped, by selecting Skip medication.

  • What happens if I select “Remind Later”?

    When Remind Later is selected, you will be notified of the medication timing again in 10 minutes.

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